Subject: SMML VOL 1701 Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 00:41:32 +1000 SMML is proudly sponsored by SANDLE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODELLERS INDEX 1: Re: ebay 2: Overseas Payments 3: USS OKLAHOMA CITY (CLG-5) 4: Re: Overseas Payments 5: Interesting items on eBay 6: Overseas payments 7: Auction Question -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODELLERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) From: "George J. Stein" Subject: Re: ebay Speaking of e-bay: check the HO model railroad section -- a 1/87 scale Liberty Ship for a mere $2000.oo. (Yes, I build trains too.) George Stein, Alabama -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) From: Mike Bartel Subject: Overseas Payments On the subject of overseas payments: Don't forget Paypal and Western Union Money Orders, both of which IHP accepts. Mike Bartel IHP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) From: "Matthew Prager" Subject: USS OKLAHOMA CITY (CLG-5) A friend of mine is thnking about trying to build USS OKLAHOMA CITY (CLG-5) for his father, who served on her. I suggested he start with Skywave's 1/700 USS MIAMI kit. Any suggestions on required modifications, sources for the Talos missile system, etc. Thanks, Matt Prager -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) From: Subject: Re: Overseas Payments >> Considering that credit card payments are so convenient and common in North America what are the reasons for the reluctance of many merchants from other countries to open up a credit card payments account? After all if they have a webpage advertising their wares, especially if they are the only source of (for example) resin kits or after market accessories, they should expect and even encourage foreign country customers. << One of the main reasons for the reluctance is the cost involved. For the average merchant in this hobby the monthly amounts run on a credit card would not be enough to qualify then for an account without rock botton fees. Therefore they are stuck paying a percentage of every transaction plus a per transaction fee and if that is not bad enough they also have to pay for the month end statement. This can easily add up to over $100.00 a month just to run a few transactions. Don -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) From: Subject: Interesting items on eBay ANATOMY OF THE SHIP: BATTLESHIP YAMATO! BOOK ON WWII MIDGET SUBMARINE OPERATIONS! SUBCHASER-STAFFORD USNIP- HC/DJ - SIGNED!!! The Texas Navy 1835-1845 + Texas Heritage TRACKING THE AXIS ENEMY NAVY/WAR/MISSILE/SUBMARINE/TORPEDO/JANE'S Washington Navy Yard history 1949 naval HBDJ NAVY/ARMY/WAR/COMBAT/WARSHIPS/JANE'S (1973 edition) Ships Aircraft of US Fleet War Edition 1942 British Destroyers by Edgar J March 1966 1847-1883 US Navy Industrial Complex -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) From: Robert Lockie Subject: Overseas payments I agree with Kelvin that it is regrettable that more people do not accept payment by credit card, but please bear in mind that it is not always as easy as it might seem to establish such a facility. I do not speak from personal experience here (no doubt someone with more knowledge of the matter than I can speak with more authority) but I understand that the credit card issuers (Visa, Mastercard etc.) have various stipulations before they will allow traders to use them. When you are dealing with relatively small turnover businesses, which are more like private individuals in many cases, the extra hassle (and the cost of paying the card issuer themselves for each transaction) may just not be worthwhile for them. Robert Lockie Swindon UK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) From: Subject: Auction Question I've seen either this item, or the guy has several pieces, pop up on eBay a couple of times recently: Is there any reason to think this wouldn't be legit? Thanks, Devin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out the SMML site for the List Rules, Backissues, Member's models & reference pictures at: Check out the APMA site for an index of ship articles in the Reference section at: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Volume